Moses Mercado has been Chairman of the Ogilvy Government Relations group since January of 2010, having risen from Senior Vice President and Managing Director since joining the firm in 2007. He works on a variety of issues, including Financial Services, Healthcare and Energy. Previously to joining Ogilvy, he was Deputy Executive Director for Intergovernmental Affairs at the Democratic National Committee, and Deputy Chief of Staff for Richard Gephardt when he was a House Democratic leader. He is a graduate of the University of Texas and the South Texas College of Law. “The transition was not difficult,” he tells LATINO. “It’s just like working on the Hill. You learn the issues, your client’s issues, what contributions they make to our economy, such as jobs, and investments, and you advocate for them.” Mercado says networking is key, as is establishing an area of expertise. “Expand your network and build on it. When you work on the Hill your biggest challenge is managing the information that comes at you every day. On the outside, it’s working every day to find relevant information that affects you and your client.”